CRIATURA exists from our passion for Nature. Our mission is to be an innovative brand that values national products, with authentic design and commitment to a sustainable production process.

We believe that each of us can make a difference, but as a community we are stronger.
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  • 3º Prémio

    Programa de Aceleração Start up Zero (Junho 2023)

  • Finalista 4ª Edição Programa Talenta

  • The Dirty Dozen 2024 - Top 12 Frutas e legumes mais contaminados com pesticidas

    The Dirty Dozen 2024 - Top 12 Fruits and vegeta...

    This EWG list alerts us to pesticide residues that we can find in foods produced by conventional agriculture and whose use is absolutely prohibited in organic production methods.

    The Dirty Dozen 2024 - Top 12 Fruits and vegeta...

    This EWG list alerts us to pesticide residues that we can find in foods produced by conventional agriculture and whose use is absolutely prohibited in organic production methods.

  • Propriedades da Hortelã

    Propriedades da Hortelã

    A hortelã tem inúmeros benefícios para a saúde, com propriedades antioxidantes, anti-inflamatórias, digestivas, descongestionantes e pode ser encontrada na nossa Infusão de Hortelã, flor de sabugueiro e limão.

    Propriedades da Hortelã

    A hortelã tem inúmeros benefícios para a saúde, com propriedades antioxidantes, anti-inflamatórias, digestivas, descongestionantes e pode ser encontrada na nossa Infusão de Hortelã, flor de sabugueiro e limão.

  • A temperatura da Água e a sua Influência na Preparação de uma Tisana

    Water temperature and its influence on the prep...

    The art of preparing a good tea or herbal tea consists of knowing how to balance flavor and texture and the best way to do this is by controlling the...

    Water temperature and its influence on the prep...

    The art of preparing a good tea or herbal tea consists of knowing how to balance flavor and texture and the best way to do this is by controlling the...

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